Sunday, December 20, 2009

HERBEL Food Drink

Pol Pala

Pol Pala on Sri Lankal kasvav metsik rohttaim, mida mitte ainult idamaised rahvameditsiini esindajad, vaid ka pragmaatilised diplomeeritud lääne spetsialistid nimetavad imevahendiks mitmetest haigustest vabanemisel. Ladinakeelse nimetusega Aeura lanata on tõhus abiline puhastamaks neere, sappi ja põit, lõhustades edukalt kristalliseerunud moodustisi – kive. Samas ergutab Pol Pala kuseteid, aitab välja viia kogunenud ladestised ja taastab meie organite ladusa töövõime. Veel mõjub see taim ka teiste neeruprobleemide puhul, aitab kaasa maohaavade armistumisele, rahustab eesnäärmehäireid, taastades organi toimimise ja peatab kusteede põletikulised protsessid. Pol Pala mõjutab positiivselt kesknärvisüsteemi, parandab mälu, mõjub arteroskleroosi ennetavalt ja ravivalt, reguleerib ainevahetust, viib välja radionukleiine. Sellest taimest tehakse Sri-Lankal teed, suppi ja salatit. See, kes regulaarselt ja doseeritult kasutab Pol Palat joogina võib vabaneda tervisehädadest ja vältida kirurgilist sekkumist, mis muidu oleks vältimatu. Pol palast valmistatud tee omab võimet lahustada ja väljutada organismist kusihappe soolasid.

Coffee is a brewed beverage prepared from roasted seeds, commonly called coffee beans, of the coffee plant. They are seeds of "coffee cherries" that grow on trees in over 70 countries. Green coffee is one of the most traded commodities in the world, often described as being second only to crude oil although this often repeated "fact" should be subjected to more careful scrutiny.Due to its caffeine content, coffee can have a stimulating effect in humans. Today, coffee is one of the most popular beverages worldwide.
It is thought that the energizing effect of the coffee bean plant was first recognized in Yemen in Arabia and the north east of Ethiopia, and the cultivation of coffee expanded in the Arab world. The earliest credible evidence of coffee drinking appears in the middle of the fifteenth century, in the Sufi monasteries of the Yemen in southern Arabia.From the Muslim world, coffee spread to Italy, then to the rest of Europe, to Indonesia, and to the Americas.
BELI /GOLDEN APPLE ( Aegle marmelos)

he parts used in medicine are chiefly the root and the fruit. Leaves are sometimes boiled and used lot fomenting inflammatory swellings aid also bathing puerperal women. Beli (BiIva) is an ingredient in many decorations for diarrhea and dysentery and various other complaints. The half ripe fruit is regarded as an astringent, digestive, and stomachache, and is prescribed in dysentery and diarrhea. The root bark is regarded as a corrector of deranged air (wata) and is prescribed 4n cases of melancholia, heart disease and fever. It is also: an ingredient in the dasamul decoction.
Iramusu ( Hemidesmus Indicus )

Hemidesmus Indicus is a climbing plant with slender stems which are smooth and have firm consistency. The leaves have varied sizes and shapes, the flowers are green in color, Purple within, the plant is common in most peninsulas around India. The official position remains in the root, its 30cm long, thick, rigid and little branches.

It tastes aromatic and sweetish and declares an aromatic fragrance. The root of this plant contains tonics and diuretic. It is used when medicines have had negative effect for care. It is said to be used in nephritic complaints and sore mouths of children.

RANAWARA (Cassia auriculata)

This is frequently used in native medicine in diseases of the urinary organs in particular. It is diuretic and is an ingredient in prescriptions for Powdered Ranawara seed with Silajatu and honey is recommended highly for all cases of diabetes, and leaves are dried and sold in the bazaars under the name of Ranawara tea. Many natives use it in place of real tea.

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